Fluffy Pancakes
Who doesn't love pancakes for supper?
My boys love it and I find it much easier to make them for supper then in the morning before school. It is to hectic to get it all done in the amount of time it takes to cook them and get out the door.
Tonight I was thinking what can I make for supper and Pancakes jumped to my mind. I figured it was time to make a new recipe as the one I was making was a thin and I am always game to try something new.
So here is what I came up with and they are by far the best I have had. They almost taste like my Grandpas. He would always make pancakes for us grand kids when we had a sleep over. As I ate them I can just picture him making them over his wood cook stove, in his cast iron pan teaching me how to make them.
I am sure you will enjoy these as much as my family did tonight. My boys all had 3 and I had to cut them off so there was enough for everyone else haha.. Boys they warm my heart! Any who to the recipe!
Fluffy Pancake Recipe
1 1/2 cup of milk
4 Tablespoons of white vinegar (you could do 3Tbs of white vinegar and 1 Tbs Lemons Juice)
2 Cups of Flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Teaspoons Baking powder
1 Teaspoon Baking soda
1/2 Teaspoon salt
4 Tablespoon melted butter
2 eggs
Mix the Milk and Vinegar in a small bowl and let stand for 5 min to make sour milk (or just buy buttermilk and omit the vinegar. I just never have that on hand and it is cheaper to make sour milk)
In a large bowl put all the rest of the ingredient in it (Don't Mix it yet)
Once you have let the milk and vinegar set for 5 min add it to the large bowl.
Mix with a whisk just until it is mixed through.
Let stand for 10 min.
Do Not Stir after the 10 min.
Carefully scoop out the batter into the pan.
Have your heat on Medium Low to medium heat. You don't want it to high or your pancakes will burn before they are ready to turn.
When the pancakes are ready to turn you will know by the Small bubbles forming on the top of the raw batter. It is important to wait until you see them and they are starting to burst. Then flip!! Your pancake will be all done on that side now to wait a little bit for the other side to cook and your ready to eat!
I hope you enjoy these as much as our family did.
This makes about 16 small pancakes.
You can easily cut this recipe in half we needed a batch to feed 5 people.
Enjoy and Happy Cooking!